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作者:深度配音 · 2020-08-11 15:30:10

Due to the recent events brought about by the COVID-19, Urban Smiles Dental Clinic shall be implementing new safety guidelines in order to prevent the spread of the virus and maintain the welfare of everyone.

- We would like to inform you that we will be accommodating fewer patients on a daily basis to lessen the number of people inside the clinic. In line with this, all of our patients will need to reserve an appointment with us ahead of time.

- When you arrive at the clinic on your appointment date you will notice a lot of changes:

o First, your vital signs such as temperature and oxygen saturation will be taken

o A foot and hand sanitation shall be performed

o When you get inside the clinic, you will need to place your belongings in a clean plastic bag.

o Afterwards, you will have to wear personal protective equipment such as headcap, foot cover and isolation gown.

o You will be asked to sit in a designated area.

o You will need to answer a COVID Screening Questions and your dentist will evaluate your answer to check if we will need to defer your treatment.

o Also please be reminded to wear a mask all the time, observe physical distancing and proper cough etiquette at all times

o Companion is not allowed inside the clinic unless the patient is a minor or someone who needs assistance

We are hoping for your compliance on our new safety guidelines during these challenging times. Your safety is our priority at Urban Smiles Dental Clinic.


由于近期COVID-19疫情日益严重,Urban Smiles Dental Clinic 决定采取新的安全措施,以防止病毒的传播,保护大家的健康。 

- 我们将减少每天接诊数量,以降低诊所内患者人数。因此,就诊的患者需提前预约。

- 当您在预约日期来到诊所时,会注意到一些新的变化: 

o 首先,需要测量您的生命体征,例如温度和血氧饱和度;

o 进行鞋底和手部清洁;

o 进入诊所后,您需将随身的物品放在一个干净的塑料袋内;

o 您需要穿戴如头罩、脚套和隔离服等个人防护设备;

o 您需要坐在指定的区域;

o 您需要回答COVID筛查问题,牙医将对您的答案进行评估,以确定是否需要推迟您的治疗;

o 同时,请时刻佩戴口罩,保持社交距离,咳嗽时遵守适当的礼仪;

o 除非患者是未成年人或需要帮助,否则不允许陪护人员进入诊所。

在这个严峻的时期,我们希望您遵守诊所新的安全规定。您的安全是Urban Smiles Dental Clinic的首要任务。


深度配音 - 未加载声音